Acquisition and reuse of software for the Public Administration

Articles 68 and 69 of the Italian Codice dell’Amministrazione Digitale discipline how a Public Administration can acquire software and establish the obligation to release the software developed or commissioned with an open license.

The Guidelines for Sotware Acquisition and Reuse issued by the Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (published in Gazzetta Ufficiale) describe such process in detail.

Below you’ll find instructions for acquiring software and for publishing the software developed by your organization.

Furthermore, to clarify any other doubts, it is possible to consult the Frequently Asked Questions section.

Software Acquisition

Software Acquisition

In order to acquire software it is necessary to run a comparative analysis which privileges the open source solutions (in reuse or third-party ones), browsable in the Developers Italia catalogue.

Development (and publication) of software

Development (and publication) of software

The software developed or commissioned by the Italian Public Administration must be released in a public repository covered by an open license and published in the Developers Italia catalogue.